New house? New House number sign! Create a striking focal point to your home and be the envy of your neighbours with our contemporary, low maintenance house numbers cut from stainless steel (316 grade).
Sign size is 250mm (9.84 inches) overall length which includes the fleur de lis elements at each end. The rectangular number area is 115mm (top to bottom which is 4.53 inches and 145mm (4.7 inches) in length. This sign size suits two numbers or 1 number and a letter such as 2A.
Our standard thickness is 1.5mm thickness 316 grade stainless steel. To keep your sign looking great it will need the occasional rub over with oil (WD40 works well). Ideal for coaastal locations (within 5 km of coastal / tidal water) .
Holes and fixings are provided with your sign and we also enclose a helpful fitting template to help you position the sign correctly.
Your chosen wording / design will be cut into the steel. Please write your numbers with your order.
Proofing - a proof will be created and emailed to check for errors. Once the proof is approved via email, the order will be sent into production.